Most of the time, personal injury accidents could have been prevented with precaution. Personal injuries include a wide range of accidents including prescription drugs accidents and automobile accidents.
Whenever someone is hurt due to someone else’s negligence or wrongful action, the person will be eligible for compensation. Most personal injuries include physical, emotional, and financial hardships. If you or a family member has been the victim of a personal injury, then our Indianapolis personal injury lawyers and wrongful death attorneys will help you get the compensation you deserve.
Riley Williams & Piatt are devoted to fighting for the injured. We represent people who have been injured or who have a loved one who has died due to the wrongdoing or fault of another person or a company.
Personal injury matters we handle include:
• Extreme injuries due to Motor Vehicle Accident – We represent individuals and their families who have been seriously injured or killed due to the negligence, carelessness, or recklessness of another in an automobile, truck, motorcycle, semi-truck, and tractor-trailer accidents.
• Life-threatening Brain Injuries – A blow to the head may cause a traumatic brain injury. Most commonly, this occurs in automobile, motorcycle, or truck accidents. It can also happen in falls at construction sites, from billboards, or even from a tanker truck. The sudden slowing of the head in an automobile accident, which causes the brain to strike the skull without the skull ever striking any object, can also cause a brain injury.
• Wrongful Death – A wrongful death is any death that occurs as the result of the negligence of wrongdoing of another or a company. Typically, a husband, wife, child, or parent of the deceased may make a claim.
• Construction Accident Personal Injury – Construction sites can often be very dangerous, especially when appropriate OSHA safety standards are not followed.
• Medical Malpractice – Medical malpractice occurs when a healthcare professional falls below the standard of care in treating a person.
• Products Liability – We assist individuals who have been injured as a result of dangerous, defective, or unsafe products.
If you are unsure if your case is considered a personal injury accident, please contact the personal injury lawyers at Riley Williams & Piatt. We will provide you with a free consultation without any cost to you. And you’ll never have to pay a penny unless we retrieve compensation for you.