As consumers, we place trust in the prescription medicine and products that we purchase to fulfill the intended use for us and to be safe. Unfortunately, this is often not the situation and negative outcomes can occur from using even commonly-used daily products. The law office of Riley Williams & Piatt has extensive knowledge and experience with product liability cases and can help you pursue a claim for an injury.
Personal injury cases can be hard to defend and require extensive time and research in order to provide a solid, sound case to present before the court. Product liability requires great care and expense, many law firms are ill-suited to prepare and defend these types of cases. Compensation for the harm suffered by a product is the right of the consumer and Riley Williams & Piatt are well-suited through their experience to finding the most positive outcome in these unfortunate situations.
Product liability cases can come in many forms, Riley Williams & Piatt have represented a number of individuals in wrongdoing cases ranging from pain medication, pharmaceutical drugs, birth control, and worker’s exposed to harmful conditions such as asbestos and mesothelioma. These cases require special attention and cannot be undertaken through the same practices as conventional personal injury cases. For the best possible outcome and compensation, Riley Williams & Piatt can put their expertise in this field to use for you.
If you feel that you purchased or used a prescribed medication that harmed you or a family member, reach out to Riley Williams & Piatt. You may have a legitimate products liability claim against the retailer or manufacturer of the product. Riley Williams & Piatt can provide a free consultation to put you in touch with a products liability attorney to help you with your case.