Personal Injury is an umbrella term that encompasses any physical injuries as well emotional or psychological damage that occurred as the result of an accident or incident. Personal Injury lawsuits are common as the injured have rights and the incentive to protect them.
The implications for the injured party vary drastically depending on the severity of the accident. For some, a small settlement suffices which in most cases will include medical expenses, any property damage incurred (ie: auto collisions), pain and suffering, punitive damages and lost wages.
In other cases, unfortunately the injuries can be permanent and irreversible. When a persons is subject to pain indefinitely and future ailments are uncertain it is imperative that the individual is compensated accordingly to ensure their needs are met in the immediate and long term future.
There are many situations in which an injury could warrant a civil suit. Some of the most frequent instances are motor vehicle accidents, construction site accidents (where safety standards are violated), institutions where negligence results in injury and suffering (such as medical malpractice) and defective products where poorly constructed materials or dangerous chemicals cause injury to a consumer who is using the product for its intended purpose.
If you or a loved one has been injured there are a number of important steps to take early on to make sure your case is handled properly. While most settlements are reached without going to trial, having strong documentation of the losses suffered (monetary and physical) will be necessary to secure just compensation.
Documenting the facts of the incident is the first step. In addition to keeping notes of dates, places, times, & witnesses you’ll also want to preserve any evidence that may be presentable to the insurance companies involved. This includes evidence retroactive to the accident itself. For example, if you had no history of amnesia prior to falling through the flooring of a poorly maintained building but after the fact, had abnormal brain activity, any diagnosis, MRI’s or written statements from reputable neurologists would be powerful indicators that the ailments are a direct result of the incident. You’ll want to communicate with the party responsible prior to retaining an attorney as well.
All of the points above will factor into determining who is at fault. This stage of the suit can be expedited if sufficient evidence exists pointing to negligence on the part of the insured. However, this can be complicated if accounts of the incident are conflicting or evidence is not conclusive.
Insurance companies and corporations are in the business of making money, not paying it out so even if it is clear and obvious they were at fault, they will try to minimize the cost of the accident for themselves. While they look out for their own best interests, it is important someone looks out for yours.
Indianapolis based firm Riley, Williams & Piatt LLC handles cases ranging from personal injury to wrongful death. With a track record of success, including settlements against corporate giants in the pharmaceutical industry, Riley, Williams & Piatt posses the knowledge and skill set to maximize your settlement, minimize your losses and reduce the emotional drain you may experience during such a difficult time in your life.